The Source Perspective or tsp for short is a project started by Christoph and Jyllian to house a collection of information they have been developing with Source Energy. The information deals with life’s purpose which has been identified as “enriched fun.” The medium for this collection of information is via written and audio formats including books and podcasts.
Christoph and Jyllian would probably tell you the story about meeting in college and their first conversation centering around the meaning of life over coffee and mini muffins. However, the idea for The Source Perspective was started after Jyllian learned about the possibility of “blending” with Source Energy to get answers that she was looking for relating to life and purpose to try and help her family and friends.
There have been many iterations of the project including full blown membership website with docs, audios and diagrams but eventually it was honed into a podcast and books. These mediums offer a great balance for Christoph and Jyllian to produce meaningful content an maintain balance in their lives.
The terms “blending” and “Source Energy” were defined by others. Jyllian and Source decided that there was no need to re-define the terms because they are already known and defined. Source is our non-physical counterpart often described as “the universe” or “god force.” Blending in its definition is a more focused form of the connection we all have with our broader perspective that Jyllian has developed into a verbal communication. When Jyllian blends with source, she translates that broader perspective verbally. There will be more on this subject in your content.
It’s not a medium that Christoph and Jyllian want to work with at this time. It could be a part of The Source Perspective content in the future. Additionally, there is an intention to give focus to the answers Source is providing rather than the messenger(s) and video can sometimes be a distraction compared to the focus that comes from reading and listening to content.
Why not? What sets them apart from everyone else and why do they get to translate Source Energy? Well, they decided to. From the beginning Source has emphasized that there is no need to share their process or see it as some type of calling. They blend with source and have been developing this content together for years as a daily part of their life experience. For them curating the content is enjoyable to them. Having conversations with family and friends about it is second nature and they thought that finding others who are interested would be a great time.
They don’t want to push anything on anyone and want everyone to know that they are free to have their beliefs and diversity. This isn’t a new religion, and they don’t want a congregation of followers. It’s their intention to offer the same answers they receive from Source with others that are asking for them.
Lastly consider that Jyllian’s process isn’t a miracle that was bestowed upon her. She found out it was an option to find the answers about life that she was looking for. She figured out how to blend. She practiced her focus and intention until she was able to have the experience. She also asked the questions not knowing if she would like the answers.
Jyllian and Christoph are not ignorant, nor did they blindly accept the answers they received from Source. They have spent years asking and testing the answers they receive. From the first day Christoph noticed Jyllian trying to talk during a meditation he would say he lived the experience, so for him, there is no question that it is real. During the first “sesh” they had when Source responded to Christoph through Jyllian about a question, he had not spoken but was queueing up in thought, he knew the process was the real deal.
Should you trust what they say? That is up to you and your testing of the answers you receive. Test what Source says and see if you don’t start having life start to show you the perfection that at your core you knew was always there. And if the answers aren’t for you, no problem. We are all just happy that you could firm up and find conviction in your beleifs and life experience.
There have been many iterations of the branding for tsp just like the project overall. The current branding has no meaning beyond it being enriched fun for Christoph and jyllian who wanted something that they would want to wear on a t-shirt or hat.
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